Minecraft 1.7.2 Crack - by Sparamoule - Original - Launcher 1.0.8
Bueno yo de nuevo otra vez, ya habia posteado antes la version 1.0.5 de est launcher pero veo que a muchos no les funcionnó o les decia algo de un nuevo launcher y al fin ya salió y está disponible para su descarga, sirve para jugar Minecraft 1.6.1 y para la pre-release 1.6.2.Requerimientos minimos para poder jugar mincraft 1.7
Sistema Operativo: Windows XP (SP3) / Vista (SP1) / Windows 7 (SP1)
Procesador: No Encontrado.
RAM: No Encontrado.
Espacio en Disco Duro: No Encontrado.
Tarjeta de Video: No Encontrado.
Instalacion y uso (inglés):
How to install:
1st - Extract everything to my documents
2nd - Open MinecraftSP launcher
3rd - Select a destination to install minecraft (please do not install on desktop)
4th - Enjoy! And the next time that you want to play minecraftSP 2.1 simple open MinecraftSP
launcher and you don't need to install anymore.
How to use the new launcher:
1st - You need to select the version that you want to play
2nd - put your nickname and clik on play
3rd - when the minecraft menu open you can close the launcher.
What you can't do with this launcher:
You can't change your skin to everybody see
You can't use the forge installer to install mods, only the manual
You can't play on minecraft normal servers, so search minecraft cracked servers or create a normal lan
How you can install forge or modloader on the new launcher:
Go to the folder that you installed minecraft, go to a folder called versions,
open the version that you are in (my example: 1.6.2) and look to the jar of
your version (in my case: 1.6.2.jar). Now open with winzip/winrar/7zip or
other and under the jar delete the META-INF folder. When you do that just
download forge http://files.minecraftforge.net or modloader http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/75440-v161-risugamis-mods-updated/ after downloaded open the zip and pass ALL archives from this zip to the jar.
Now close the zip and the jar and open MinecraftSP launcher and play.
Para usar el launcher solo descomprime el archivo descargado, crean un acceso directo del archivo "MC_Open_Launcher.jar" y luego ejecutan desde el acceso directo :)
Atencion: Esta version solo tiene el idioma en inglés, vean este post para tenerlo multilenguaje (español incluido)
Link de descarga:
Actualización: Descargar
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